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Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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"Word salad". That's this forum's atheist clique's new slander word I see you're using--to fit right in. As for your other mindless venting, smoke a joint and mellow out. I don't really care about your negative opinions because negative opinions never did run this world and never will. Btw, every Aquarian I've talked to about the Christ Aquarian revelation agrees and is passing that new Revelation on to fellow Aquarians. That means potentially one out of 12 people on the planet will be knocking on your door with ankh in hand asking you, "Have you heard the Christ Aquarian Call? Here's our pamphlet explaining how the Spirit of Christ has come again to guide humanity into the New Age. Also check out the complimentary Kush Cookie herbal enlightenment enhancement dietary supplements our acolytes make back at Aquarian House Headquarters here in the Emerald Triangle."
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Chris OConnor

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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Sonoman, we're not introducing a new phrase here. "Word Salad" has been around as long as there have been people to abuse words.

According to Wikipedia...
Word salad is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is hopelessly confused.
This describes your posts perfectly. All this babble about Man-Face Christ water-god Most High Aquarius Overlord Master God" is absolute nonsense and the sign of a man with serious problems. Of course you don't know that you have serious problems.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Interbane wrote:I know that many biblical ideas are not magical. The magical thinking part is when people's beliefs go beyond mere "wisdom" and into the realm of prophecy.
Hi Interbane. The question of whether prophecy can be scientific is interesting. Traditionally, as you suggest, the realm of prophecy is understood in terms of divine revelation, as purely magical. However, looking at the topic carefully suggests that prophecy can be seen in a scientific framework as part of wisdom.

One model of a prophet is Jeremiah, who told the people of Israel that they would be taken into captivity in Babylon because of their evil behaviour. Jeremiah was not comprehended at the time, but after the captivity the Jews looked back at his work and saw that he had genuine deep and accurate insight. He was recognised as a prophet.

There is historical dispute about the reasons for the captivity, whether it was the aggressive arrogance of the Jews who were seen by Nebuchadnezzar as a pestilence, or, as in Jeremiah's view, the Jews were captured by Babylon because of their resort to nature worship rather than supernatural monotheism. But the core message was that Jeremiah and the other prophets were recognised for their accurate historical prediction of the fall of Jerusalem.

Amos 5:10-11is a good example of the ethical focus of prophecy, attributing the captivity to the injustice practiced by the Jews: "you hate the one who reproves in court and despise him who tells the truth. 11You trample on the poor and force him to give you grain.
Therefore, though you have built stone mansions, you will not live in them; though you have planted lush vineyards, you will not drink their wine."

Considering prophecy today, it is rather meaningless to separate it from scientific prediction. Anyone who affects to tell the future but ignores scientific evidence is a fool and charlatan. Science provides the great prophecies of the impending consequences of current trends. Just as the Old Testament prophets said that Jewish behaviour would result in captivity in Babylon, prophets today such as James Hansen and John Schellnhuber are explaining the likely results of current actions.
Interbane wrote:Which is inevitable, given that we're speaking of the bible. The bath water will always adhere to the baby.
Another fascinating question. Jesus presents an interesting prophecy that can help explain this relation between the baby and the bathwater in the parable of the wheat and the tares. The good wheat is like the baby, while the bad weeds (tares) are like the bathwater. The lesson is that God can see the truth and separate the good from the evil that has grown around it.

If we consider the good to be scientific truth, and evil to be supernatural delusion, then the suggestion is that the baby can be dried off completely, that we can live by truth and shun evil. Continuing this metaphor, science is like a fluffy towel drying off the baby after the bath through a rigorous focus on evidence and logic.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Chris OConnor wrote:Sonoman, we're not introducing a new phrase here. "Word Salad" has been around as long as there have been people to abuse words.

According to Wikipedia...
Word salad is a "confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases", most often used to describe a symptom of a mental disorder. The words may or may not be grammatically correct, but the meaning is hopelessly confused.
This describes your posts perfectly. All this babble about Man-Face Christ water-god Most High Aquarius Overlord Master God" is absolute nonsense and the sign of a man with serious problems. Of course you don't know that you have serious problems.
Jesus, you're dangerous. A moderator who attacks theists with slander after slander. Do you have any idea that your slander of "word salad" applies to Acharya's book that uses the same sets of symbolic icons as found in my "word salad"? But her's being atheist interpretation of ancient symbols is not word salad even though she is accused of this by fundamentalist theist also resorting to slander instead of reasoned argument. I am really sick and tired of your stupid small minded bigotry expressed on this forum aimed at me. You probably should ban me now because there's no point with you and Interbane at the helm here of continuing to share Celestial Torah Christianity. And here's a tip. Next time, notice I use imagery instead of words a lot more than I did in my previous writings because it is in the ancient iconic imagery that the historical record is revealed. I can write as winning 1st Prize in a local magazine contest shows as well as being a regular columnist in our local paper. You only throw out your anger at my topping Acharya and all atheistic mythicists by accurately defining Jesus Christ as Christ Aquarius and not just another sun god to be pigeon-holed by atheists so they don't have to think rationally about spiritual revelation.

And Robert, there's no guarantee of "good"ness from science and "bad"ness from theism. Are you nuts too and cannot think straight when it comes to rational conclusions of the historical record? Or did you forget scientists were behind Hitler's rockets and our Hiroshima crime against humanity.

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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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sonoman wrote:Do you have any idea that your slander of "word salad" applies to Acharya's book that uses the same sets of symbolic icons as found in my "word salad"? But her's being atheist interpretation of ancient symbols is not word salad
Acharya writes coherently and intelligently though. The sentences are intelligible and extremely informative. you should try and emulate her ability to get an idea across to the reader.
Last edited by youkrst on Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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sonoman wrote:You probably should ban me now
or even better you could show some humility and try again slowly, starting at the beginning, to communicate your ideas. The people here are well capable of parsing language, give it a try, if you have something of value be sure we will pick up on it.
sonoman wrote:to share Celestial Torah Christianity.
what is point one, a single starting point of CTC. lets see if i can read it and type it back to you to make sure i recieved it ok.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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youkrst wrote:
sonoman wrote:Do you have any idea that your slander of "word salad" applies to Acharya's book that uses the same sets of symbolic icons as found in my "word salad"? But her's being atheist interpretation of ancient symbols is not word salad
Acharya writes coherently and intelligently though. The sentences are intelligible and extremely informative. you should try and emulate her ability to get an idea across to the reader.
You are all atheists like her so your bigoted viewpoint of theists makes you blind to spiritual connections in the astrological material she works with. So it doesn't matter a fig how well she writes, and you know as well as I do that she has lot's and lots' of detractors who would say the opposite, in fact probably hundreds more critics of her writings than I've ever had. But then I've never had the gang of atheists behind my spiritual activists work like she has behind her unspiritual and thereby incorrect historical work riding on the intellectual efforts of others before her who also didn't have spiritual insight as scholars rarely do which explains why they so often get it wrong when dealing with spiritual subject matter.

Acharya, sent me one email before I posted that I was a religious visionary and that was that. After that she banned me from her blog and forum as Chris Conner did too, both atheists promoting atheist ideology against theism. For whatever reasons Chris seemed to have forgotten he banned me and so here I am again. But really I expect him and Interbane, both of whom I now place in the intellectual cowardice category as I do Acharya, to ban me at any time because the slander and name-calling isn't working. It only shows up the intellectual cowards lack of reasoned argument behind them.

Since I defeated all of you atheists with my questions you all never did answer, just posted links to atheist propaganda sites instead of answering my questions, those sites having atheist "explanations" that just do not apply, any of them, because none of them address or explain how religious visions keep to specific religious themes if they are merely products of human brain chemicals dashing around willy-nilly in a random universe. All you could mount for a defense of your atheist beliefs were slander and name-calling of me and cut-and-paste stock atheist "answers" that answer nothing. So not being able to answer my theist arguments you just keep at the slander as this new attack now shows where somehow when I use the very same astrological elements as does Acharya in her writings, when I make reference to them you play dumb and pretend that these same astrological symbols and meanings used by Acharya are incomprehensible in Celestial Torah Christianity. Who do you think your fooling besides yourselves?

Ok, let's play out your new lack of intelligence when reading about the same astrological symbols as to be found in Christ in Egypt. Let's start with the Sign of Aquarius. What about the Sign of Aquarius confuses you when you read about it in Celestial Torah Christianity? I'm sorry about my tone but it can't be helped now. I'm past being "nice" to you guys as there is no fair play in reciprocity shown me, only continued name-calling and refusal to address these issues with honestly which would mean stopping the slander and starting rational discourse that addresses the material and not the presentation of it. It's clear enough to read as I have checked with others who have no trouble with the iconic presentation style. In fact, I've been complimented on it as making a striking presentation method as it really is true, a picture is worth a thousand words.

So..the Sign of Aquarius. What do you want to know about it Celestial Torah Christianity-wise?
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Sonoman wrote:For whatever reasons Chris seemed to have forgotten he banned me and so here I am again.
I banned your other accounts. I've let this account slide just to see if you might be on your meds at this point but I'm starting to get discouraged.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Since I defeated all of you atheists with my questions you all never did answer, just posted links to atheist propaganda sites instead of answering my questions, those sites having atheist "explanations" that just do not apply, any of them, because none of them address or explain how religious visions keep to specific religious themes if they are merely products of human brain chemicals dashing around willy-nilly in a random universe.
Your questions were answered. They all apply to the coincidences you worship and mystical patterns you think have real substance. These concepts, such as apophenia, are well-known and well documented, and not limited to atheist propaganda sites. They also explain how religious visions keep to specific religious themes.

I've shown how any support you have for your beliefs is fallacious. You haven't written anything new since then Stephen, except to claim that none of the posts apply to your beliefs, and that you've "demolished" any arguments put forth. That's text-book delusion. If you want to redeem yourself, I made a post on how I'd be willing to engage. I believe it's earlier in this thread.
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Re: Jesus Christ Sun God or Christ Aquarius? Intellectual effort vs. spiritual revelation

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Since when does a question defeat anything? It's answers that settle a matter. If I ask the question "what is the sum of two plus two", who or what, if anything, have I defeated by asking that?
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