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Fantasy Fiction text:


Lucifer rolled to his left as dodged the Iron blade of Graza’s longsword. As he came up, he lunged for cover behind the marble pillar, desperate for a respite. The fight had not lasted very long, but it was a battle involving the most powerful man to stand on the face of the Earth at present. Lucifer hoped Veradius had enough energy left inside him to finish of Graza, and leaned around the circular pillar to try and get a glimpse of his Ally. He knew he was being foolish and that he could have had his head off right there and then, but the risk paid off. He saw the tall figure of Veradius locked in close combat with the hulking figure of Graza. Lucifer smiled as he saw the wrinkles wave at him from Graza’s sweating forehead. It boosted his morale, as Graza may be the most powerful man in the world, but Lucifer and Veradius knew he was not too far from a natural death. No doubt Graza slowed his aging down with magic, but the man was still human and, to Lucifer’s delight, not as nimble as he used to be. Veradius was holding his own for the moment, and Lucifer had quickly charged at Graza aiming for his the small gap between his armour plates where part of his spine was vulnerable. As Lucifer ran, Graza felt his presence arrive, and to Lucifers disgust, he muttered a few words whilst pressing Veradius back towards the brave brick wall of the building glued to the ground. Lucifer got within 3 feet of Graza before he contracted his muscles and swung the sword with his right arm, aiming for his target. He did it all in one swift movement, with a cry of anxiety. The Iron blade of his sword got to an inch away from Graza’s prey of skin, before an invisible force stopped the metal in its tracks. Lucifer had half expected this, and let the momentum of the impact throw him to the side. He was lucky. If he hadn’t expected Graza’s magic to protect him again, he would have surely broken his arm from the force of his swing. He was one of few to know from experience how difficult it is to repair broken bones in the middle of a battle, even with the use of magic. He stood up quickly after rolling to relieve the impact, and ran in to join Veradius. That was their advantage, Lucifer knew; the fact that it was two on one. But if one of them went down, they would both go down, and the Lux Anima Imperium would be scattered with shattered aims.

As Lucifer ran, he muttered Latin words in the form of a spell, and produced fire from mid air which he aimed directly at Graza’s heart. The flames reached their target, but evaporated as they touched Graza’s skin. Lucifer cursed, but continued running. Its as if he is wearing a hundred bodies over his, Lucifer thought, and sadly he knew it was possible, for those with excellence in evil magic. So far, Graza had countered every spell Lucifer directed at him.
Lucifer reached Veradius’ side just as a cry of despair erupted from Veradius’ mouth. Lucifer had glanced to see Veradius clutching a stomach wound with blood seeping out over his hands and torn armour. ‘Get back Veradius’ Lucifer yelled at him. Lucifer knew his Ally would be-able to heal himself, but it would take time. He had to get him that time. He summoned up his energy to perform a simple spell which displaced the air to send a bewildered Graza shooting backwards through mid air, before smacking into a solid wall. Yes, Lucifer thought, he is showing signs of weariness. We can win this.

Growing in confidence with everystep, Lucifer was a steam train as he charged at Graza. His opponent looked up from the ground and raised a hand, but not as a gesture of surrender, for he followed this up with a couple of words to manipulate the waves of magic all around him. Graza was just in time, as his spell worked stopping Lucifer in his tracks 3 feet from him. Graza’s spell had opened up a 5 foot ditch in the marble ground, in which Lucifer lay. Unsatisfied and slightly worried, Graza rose from his sitting position and felt another dip in his energy levels. Damned the marble floor he thought as the marble required more energy to force down compared with other surfaces. Slowly and cautiously Graza swayed over towards the ditch and looked down to see if his spell had worked completely. It was perfect. A smile crept upon his face as he saw the scorpions and snakes cover Lucifer’s limp and unconscious body. The sight was pleasant to him and the smell felt of sweet victory and as he made his way over to where Veradius sat, he thought of all the slaves he will make out of the Lux Anima people and soldiers. His empire would rule the world and when he decides to end the Great War happening, because of him, in the mortal world, the helpless mortals shall be his to command. He turned his attention back to Veradius who he thought was just like a toothpick. He may have the ability to cause some pain, but he can be snapped in two so, so easily.

He let out a triumphant and gruff laugh as he approached Veradius, who sat waiting like the injured prey of a lion.
‘So, Veradius. You really thought you could defeat me. Me, the most powerful man on Earth. Perhaps the most powerful being ever. Lucifer will be dead from poison within 5 minutes. He was your cousin wasn’t he?
Veradius just stared at Graza’s cold black eyes with such anger and ferociousness.
‘Poor Veradius’ taunted Graza ‘Has one less family member now. But don’t worry, kid, you will soon join him’
‘Im no kid you wretched fool’ Veradius spat at him
‘Oh, well you are to me. You know, i actually feel that I should kill you later, so you can see the chaos that I will wreak upon this planet’
‘ Greed and power will get you nowhere’
‘Really. How can it not. I mean look at me now. I practically rule this world’ Graza spread out his arms and gestured to the world around him.
‘You don’t rule this world. God does.’ Veradius searched through his mind for any slight chance of escaping. Escape was his only option now, he knew, as he wouldn’t be able to defeat Graza alone. He dismissed that thought and changed it to he had to get out or he would be dead. Come on, he thought growing frustrated.
‘Yes well, that’s if you believe a God exists. Anyway, enough of this talk, lets see how strong you really are Veradius Calpayter’ Graza raised a quivering hand and recited the word Purculsus. The energy waves in the air had responded to the command directed at Veradius.
The shockwave ran down Veradius’ body and he screamed out loud as the pain coursed through his weak limbs. His thoughts were jumbled, but Veradius knew he was heading for the same fate that beheld his cousin Lucifer. There is no God he thought, who could be this cruel to allow millions to die from the action of one man.


Lucifer had just finished removing the last of the scorpions as his mind drifted back to reality when he heard the screams of his cousin Veradius. Lucifer had worked as quickly as he could, and was delighted to hear the sound of his cousin; it meant he was alive. The plan worked. Lucifer had managed to break into the minds of each scorpion and forced them away from him. It took longer than he had first thought though as he was caught out by the number of scorpions Graza managed to summon; at least 60 Lucifer thought. It must have drained him of his energy though, so Lucifer was beyond confident of victory. But he just had do finish off Graza before Graza finishes off Veradius; Lucifer knew that his cousin wouldn’t be-able to stand the torture for much longer and Veradius must have thought Lucifer was actually dead, which would have damaged his morale. Lucifer forced away the last scorpion, and as he stood up, he considered contacting Veradius using his mind; he dismissed the idea instantly as he knew it was too risky. Graza may detect his presence. Lucifer needed to keep the element of surprise to use to his advantage.

Please answer this... would you want to read more from just this little piece?
its not finished of course. But please leave comments for criticism and improvement. Thank You.
Official Newbie!
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hey I got a question and figured you can help out

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im writing regarding on writing a book on my life I think it will be a great book very plausible appealing and etc I know everyone goes through there struggle everyday but I want to use my struggle and use it as a motivation not for myself for others I want to basically awaken some of these kids or anybody etc about being quick on having sex with a girl if you don't know here age she might look older but be young and definitely be careful with the family telling the age also the best thing is to look the person up if you really want to be with them because I was in a entrapment where I was lied to by the mother the older sister and her and this happened two years ago and they charged me last year I could've of beat it but I had a worthless public defender see if I told you about my life story you can relate to why and what placed me in making wrong and gullible decisions but this is why I wanted to be creative and show the world that you can use something that's devastating like my story and use itas a strong motivator but the reason I'm writing is to see if I can have an author that's interested in writing and publishing a book that can be positive in peoples life by just in looking into my life and taking key pointers and using them and their lives so if you can help out sir or mam this is my number where you can reach me at 850-6197971 thank you for listening to what I had to say
Official Newbie!
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Re: Would you want to read more?

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ermm... sorry dude im just a newbie practising and seeking feedback. I wont beable to write/ get a book published about anything right now. I also dont write full time anyway.

And, you didnt leave feedback about my piece that i wrote. please say something about it, anything?
Official Newbie!
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Re: Would you want to read more?

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Its real good buddy
Getting Comfortable
Posts: 11
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Re: Would you want to read more?

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It's brilliant!!!
I hope u could rite more...
Official Newbie!
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:09 pm

Re: Would you want to read more?

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Awesome thanks.and yes I am planning to write more of it in due course.
Any criticism please?
Wade Garret
Almost Comfortable
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Re: Would you want to read more?

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I stopped reading after:

"Lucifer rolled to his left as dodged the Iron blade of Graza’s longsword."

See the error?

"Lucifer rolled to his left AND dodged the iron (why was it capitalized?) blade of Graza's longsword."
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